Birth Preferences & Labour Essentials
When it comes to birth, it's fair to say being armed with all the information about the process of birth and how you can feel in control of yours is by far the best way to feel as empowered as possible and enable you to stay in that calm state we all want.
That’s why I like to suggest that you think about the birth you would like before it actually happens. Now this is not to say this is always the way that it's going to pan out, but what this will do is keep you in the driving seat should things go down a different route than expected. Instead of a birth plan, I like to call it birth preferences, what would you prefer to happen in each instance as well as what is important to you e.g delayed cord clamping.
I have put together a template for you to download and use. A very similar one to the one I gave to my midwives as soon as I got to the hospital. Looking back, I know I felt like I was going to be a diva handing over this list of instructions to someone that does it day in day out, Mariah has arrived I’d hear them cry, but I can’t tell you who didn’t have a list of birth preferences, so please don’t think you’re being awkward by having a birth preference! This is a really nice activity to do with your birth partner, so they know what you want, afterall they’ll be the ones advocating for you while you’re in the zone!
Now speaking of planning, it's also good to plan what you also might need in labour, so I’ve popped some bits below that helped me as well as my birth playlist!